Scholarship Applications Closing Soon!

Tired of wondering if you’re saying the right things about your business?

Clarify Your Marketing Message SO MORE CUSTOMERS ENGAGE at

The StoryBrand Livestream

Marketing Workshop

September 13-14, 2022

10:30am EST • 9:30am CST • 8:30am MST • 7:30 am PST

The StoryBrand Livestream Marketing Workshop will help you finally have a clear and compelling message to use on your website, emails, and anywhere you use words.


The powerful StoryBrand framework has helped thousands of businesses cut through the noise with messaging that your ideal customers connect to. So many purpose-driven small businesses love the framework because it's smart and easy. You'll learn it from the source, with personalized coaching and templates from your coach Rachel.

find much needed clarity

Working through this material in real-time with a coach is the BEST way to learn it. An outside point of view is the key to finally find the clarity you’ve been craving. As they say, you can’t see the label from inside the jar.

You'll leave with a plan you can immediately implement.

At the end of the workshop, you’ll have created the seven messages you only need to grow revenue for your business.

  • It's a fact — businesses that clarify their message and build a sales funnel are the ones that thrive in the marketplace.

  • At the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream, you'll get it done in 48 hours with Donald Miller and the expert team at StoryBrand HQ.

  • ALSO get real-time coaching in an intimate online breakout room with copywriting expert & Certified StoryBrand Guide Rachel Zurer to make sure you’re getting it right.

“When I was working alone, I was super stuck. Having feedback today and insights from our breakout groups was incredible and key to helping me feel more confident about using the framework.”

—Renee P.

What you will learn (and accomplish!)

  • Dial-in the seven messages you need to create to connect with more customers.

  • Create a simple 5-part marketing plan you can use right away.

  • Escape the “curse of knowledge” because of the personal guidance you'll get from your coach.

“The StoryBrand Livestream has helped me answer the toughest questions about what my consumer wants, who my ideal consumer is, and most importantly how I can keep my consumer coming back for more. The workshop taught me how to simplify my message so it is easy to understand. Their techniques are easy to follow and made an immediate impact in my sales.”

—Benjamin T.

StoryBrand Livestream Marketing Workshop


  1. The Official StoryBrand Livestream (2 Days)
  2. Access to keynotes from Donald Miller, Dr. J.J. Peterson, and more
  3. Virtual coaching sessions throughout the workshop
  4. Digital workbooks and BrandScript
  5. Replay sent to your inbox 48 hours after event completion — available to watch for 2 weeks!

  1. BONUS: An Extra Hour of 1:1 Messaging Coaching with Rachel Zurer
  2. BONUS: The High-Converting Website Copywriting Template


Hi, I'm Rachel

I get how hard it can be to know how to talk about your business. Most people struggle to write clearly, especially about topics they know well. I’m here to help.

I spent 10 years as an editor and writer at award-winning magazines including WIRED, Backpacker, and Conscious Company. Now, as a Certified StoryBrand Guide, I help purpose-driven entrepreneurs find the magic words to grow their business. I'll share with you the same tips and tricks I use to write sales funnels for my clients.

“I read my BrandScript out loud. It was astonishing to hear the clearest message about my company I’d ever heard coming out of my mouth.”

—Curt Kempton

What's the schedule for the two days?

Day 1 - Tuesday, September 13

9:30 AM CT - Meet Your Coach in Your Breakout Room

10:00 AM CT -Workshop Presentation Begins

12:30 PM CT -Lunch (45 minutes)

4:00 PM CT - Day 1 Concludes

Day 2 - Wednesday, September 14

10:00 AM CT -Livestream Begins

12:30 PM CT - Lunch (45 minutes)

4:00 PM CT -Day 2 Concludes

*All times in Central US

That's a lot of time to take, is it worth it?

Absolutely. I’ve heard business owners say they’ve accomplished things in these two days they’ve been struggling to figure out for YEARS.

Applying these principles can make a radical difference in your business — and your life. If you’re serious about the impact you’re trying to make with your business, you owe it to yourself and your customers to learn to communicate better. This Livestream is your shortcut to great results.

Are there scholarships available?

Yes! Magic Words Marketing is sponsoring one partial scholarship seat to each Livestream event so more purpose-driven businesses and historically oppressed people can experience the magic of StoryBrand. Click here to apply (deadline: September 1, 2022).

What if I can’t make the class live?

Better to wait until you can — this is a highly interactive experience and you should plan to be fully present.

Can't I just buy the book or the self-paced BMSU membership?

Yes, you could. Those are great options — if you use them. But it’s easy for books to sit on a shelf and online courses to disappear into the background. With the StoryBrand Livestream, you get the momentum and accountability of a group setting to keep you moving so you’ll walk away with messaging you can actually implement.

PLUS you’ll get live feedback from your coach, so you know you’re doing it right. If you’re serious about upgrading your messaging, this is the best investment you can make.


StoryBrand Livestream Marketing Workshop

The Official StoryBrand Livestream (2 Days) ........................................…. Value $995

Virtual coaching sessions throughout the workshop ..........................…. Value $3225

Digital workbooks and BrandScript .......................................................….. Value $275

BONUS: An Extra Hour of 1:1 Messaging Coaching ..............................…. Value $375

BONUS: The High-Converting Website Copywriting Template ........... Value $125

Total Value - $4995


Partial scholarships and payment plans are also available

Attend all sessions of the StoryBrand Livestream on September 13 & 14 and if it doesn’t exceed your expectations and help you feel more confident about your marketing, just email us and we’ll issue you a credit for future services (after trying to understand and fix what went wrong, of course).